Wednesday 27 February 2013

Final magazine double page spread article

Music celeb Sophie Jones confesses what she has been
bottling up for months..

Everybody ‘s soft spot’ celebrity Sophie Jones speak up about her and her 
former band member Rachel Fewell
They might seem like good friends on camera and whilst performing, but current ‘Girls Are Loud’ singer confesses her long term hate for Rachel Fewell, ever since Rachel was caught
flirting with Sophies current boyfriend and member of ‘The Needed’ Charlie Enright.’ Since the
incident between Rachel and Charlie early this year, Sophie has had a problem with Rachel and her music. Sophie’s tweet that was posted yesterday afternoon explains the situation..

Sophie, was that tweet you wrote
directed at Rachel? Or to your fans?
 It may of seem directed at Rachel,
but it was just a general tweet about
how im feeling about the situation.  I think she
knows we’re not bestfriends since the Charlie
situation but none of that was my fault. 
What does Charlie think about yours and  
Rachel’s friendship?                                              
Err i dont really know, i dont think they                  
speak for obvious reasons but even if                    
we was bestbuds i dont think it would                  
bother him. We’re in the same band so                
spend alot of time together which isnt easy.
Does Rachel know how much you            
dislike her?                                                          

Yes i think she does. She doesnt let it                      
affect her though, in a way she would              
be wrong to ever have anything against            
me, but some of the things i say to her                
and about her are kinda childish, oh well.            

Do you think you and Rachel could ever
go back to how you was before?
Umm thats a hard one. She really hurt me
when she tried it with Charlie behind my
back and when I see her, Thats the first thing
that comes to mine. Maybe in time we can sort
it out.

When you say you dislike Rachel's music, 
is it true or is it just to annoy her and wind
her up?
Well we're in the same band and have similar voices
but because she isn't contributing to all of us, its just
getting on my nerves, even if she has to talk and give
her own ideas. 

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