Also, the contents pages are quite similar between 'Top of the pops' and my one which is called 'Tuned in'. As you can see below, both magazines include a few pictures, and also have sections of where the articles are found. For example, my magazine has got 'exclusive pics!' section, and on Top Of The Pops it has 'Celebs & gossip'. This has been done to make it easier for the audience to navigate through the magazine. They have chosen the word 'celeb' instead of 'celebrity' to make it look informal and friendly.
I dont think that my magazine would suit other institutions, because institutions such as Future Publishing publishes their magazines monthly, where my magazine that i created is published fortnightly. Also, BBC 'Top Of The Pops' magazine is a supplementary magazine from the TV programme. Also it would not be a suitable match for my magazine because another example institution such as Conde Nast produces 18 consumer magazine, whereas i produce more than 18 which proves that the BBC institution is similar to mine. Also the country of origin of Conde Nast is America and mine is in England, just like the BBC. Another thing that makes my magazine not suitable because Conde Nast focus' on travel, food, home culture and other interests rather than music, which is the main theme for my magazine.
The double page spread of BBC 'Top Of The Pops' magazine again is also similar to mine. As you can see, there is a full page that is mainly taken up with a big image of a famous singer/musician with a bit of text that backs up the picture. On the other page, there is a article that shows an informal interview with 'Leona Lewis' and also has a few pictures in between the text. This is similar to my magazine because as you can see above on the left, i have produced an article which is an interview of a member of a band, and on the right is a poster/ bigger picture of them. This is a good example of why BBC is a good and suitable media institution for my magazine, compared to others.Overall, the best suited media institution for my magazine, is BBC. The main reason is because they are trying to build a personal relationships with engaged readers and listeners. They chose subjects to speak about that they know the audience will enjoy, which is what my magazine aims to do.
You make interesting points - but I'm not convinced that your magazine is similar to Kerrang - can you compare it with a similar genre please?